About Lorraine
Born in Southern California and a second generation native Cali girl, she has lived her life outside in nature at the beaches and in the mountains any chance she gets. Meeting her, now husband, while getting her BS degree at Cal Poly, SLO she then proceeded to move to the Bay Area, where he lived, and worked in all aspects of the industrial food industry from Food Technologist, Product Development, Technical Sales and Market Research. Although she enjoyed her Food Industry career path she wanted to be close to home to raise her young sons, rather than on the road as often.
She had been a stretching enthusiast her whole life, and found the gift of yoga while raising her two young sons and as they got older and more self sufficient, she dove deeper into the practice which lead her to her 200hr Yoga Teacher Training through Pure Yoga in 2011. Wanting to share the gifts of the practice with others, she started teaching yoga classes in 2012, received her 500hr Mindfulness Yoga Teaching Certification from Spirit Rock Meditation Center, took additional teacher training programs with Annie Carpenter and other notable teachers locally and in India and started leading retreats in 2016 and hasn’t looked back since. A life-changing journey that has helped her move into consciousness and gratitude for the practice and community that yoga has created in her life.
Lorraine’s passion is Wellness and it is reflected in how she lives her life. A huge fan of yoga as a system of health. Her dharma is to empower others to grow so they may live life more fully and love more deeply. Lorraine encourages those in pursuit of a more vibrant life. Yoga & meditation are the vehicles that help us find more space between breaths and longer pauses between the thoughts so that we are able to hear our inner voices speaking out about what matters most to each of us. This moment, this breath … living in the present. Inhaling life’s inspiration, exhaling the debris. Every individual caries the light within & yoga is a vehicle for uncovering that which blocks the light.
She is a Mom, Wife, Animal Lover, Nature Lover and Student of Life. She believes the ultimate method for teaching is how we live, not what we say. She applies her training in various yoga modalities to help students to practice radical self- care so that they can be well, listen deeply, find freedom and self expression, live balanced lives & serve the world from a place of compassion and unconditional love.
Lorraine promotes community building and wants to get to know you on & off the mat. She has arranged random hike meet-ups & met for years with yogis after class for meaningful discussions, connection and tea. She believes we are all here to connect, to be seen, to love & be loved and that is life’s greatest joy!
When not leading classes, workshops, hikes, or retreats, you can find her enjoying time outdoors with family, friends & her new lovable dog Rigsby who she just rescued on February 4, 2023! He is a 2-year-old Schnauzer/Poodle – a Schnoodle! Some of her interests are adventure traveling or planning for the next one, reading, cycling & creating plant-based meals, especially Asian, with vegetables and herbs from her garden.

One of Lorraine’s favorite poems:
May you listen to your longing to be free.
May the frames of your belonging be large enough for the dreams of your soul.
May you arise each day with a voice of blessing whispering in your heart that something good is going to happen to you.
May you find a harmony between your soul & your life.
May the mansion of your soul never become a haunted place.
May there be kindness in your gaze when you look within.
May you never place walls between the light & yourself.
May you allow the wild beauty of the invisible world to gather you, mind you, & embrace you in belonging.
– Jack Kornfeld